Thursday, July 29, 2010

van gogh, eat your heart out.

just a few shots of sunflowers in the garden and on 'mt st. hugo'. that's my pet name for the highest point in hugo, the pile of peat moss that we turned into our ill-fated sledding hill where my nephew matthew broke his leg just after christmas (he's totally fine now BTW).

volunteer sunny in the weedy garden. none of them have 'perfect' faces'. last year we had some crazy double-faced ones. i don't see any of those yet this year.

some 'teddy bear' sunnies and red ones in the veg garden. since i got the job it's been very neglected, and the weeds have really taken over. in the back are the rain barrels my dad set up. since remodeling the studio, we added a gutter to the front of the barn. it captures up to 55 gallons of rain PER SHOWER from just the front side, and instead of just letting it run into the driveway and then the yard, we're going to use it to water the gardens. my dad is so proud of all the engineering he did on these barrels. i am going to paint a lot of the garden accessories this blue color next year. i love it.

secret garden. here's how it looked last year.
it's really growing like crazy!

more of mt. st. hugo. look at all those wildflowers! there's tons of bees and butterflies that flit around. sounds like a million tiny vuvzelas out there.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Tiiiiiiiiiiiny house!

i had heard about this guy and his tumbleweed tiny houses somewhere on the internets, and now, here's a walkthru of his 96 sq foot house. WOW.

as a maximalist, i am quite impressed by this guy's organization and skill in living with so little in such tight quarters. i think my room is bigger than his whole house.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

What's the buzz? Tell me what's a happening...

Oosh. What a couple of months.

The posting has dried up, as you faithful readers would have observed by now, due to new jobbage and general lack of time due to new jobbage. I haven't sewn any duckies since the beginning of April, due to the studio being remodeled and expanded so my mom can have a workspace again.

But the weight loss has continued, and I'm the lightest weight I've been in 10 years. I don't feel like I've had to 'give anything up', I just have to make other changes, like working out or having less of something I decide I really want! I'm not saying I'm perfect by any means, but I've discovered that I am addicted to sweating every day!

I'm excited for my siblings and their kiddos to come home next week...what else can I say? I'll have photos, news, and a real update. But for now, I hope this will do.